About Robert Levey

Founder of The Philosopher Files and Exponential Squared

The Philosophy

The need for philosophical thinking is all too apparent today, especially given that the pandemic and extreme social unrest have brought to light the severe inequities that have always plagued Western societies.

As a young man, Robert Levey dreamed of making a difference as a philosopher. He imagined all manner of speeches and lectures brought about by tremendous insight(s) into the nature of reality itself.

He soon discovered, however, that the very notion of reality is a construct and that perhaps the greatest philosophical journey one can take is inside one’s own mind. Rather than seeking answers, Robert (CEO of EXPONENTIAL SQUARED) began to ask questions. 

The Background

With a diverse educational background, which includes a BA (Philosophy), BS (Organizational Behavior), MA (English) and MBA, Robert is a PhD Candidate in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is a freelance writer and founder of EXPONENTIAL SQUARED, which offers consultation, marketing, development, and fundraising services to nonprofits and mission-driven organizations. 

If you are looking for answers, Robert is not the right fit for you personally or your company. If, however, you are interested in approaching a problem from multiple perspectives (and an open heart), this philosopher is for hire…

The Questions

  1. Will legislation alter human behavior?
  2. Will mandates by management create a sustainable organizational culture?
  3. Will linear thinking always lead to actionable insight(s)?
  4. What are we worth as humans if our actions do not reflect our ideas?
  5. What are we if we cannot think outside boxes others have built for us?


Copyright © 2023 PHILOSOPHER FILES

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